This boat is basically rent-stabliized, since docking fees don’t increase based on slimy landlords’ greed. It’s getting bad out there for the broke. So bad that just last month, struggling artists had to build their next performance space out on the Hudson River. Rent is so high we can’t even afford the affordable stuff, and the media are trying to turn us soft about it. But we’re not going to let them, no sir. We’re still bringing you the first word on affordable living situations, no matter how outlandish they may be. And speaking of “out land”-ish, here’s a living situation aboard a sailboat — which might be the only affordable housing left in Brooklyn. Listed on Craigslist by a European artist (of course), the sailboat is “a wonderful living opportunity” for anyone looking to save on rent this summer. Why so wonderful? Because the renter, Hannes Bend, is willing to have you live there for free. “I ask… Read More
This boat is basically rent-stabliized, since docking fees don’t increase based on slimy landlords’ greed. It’s getting bad out there for the broke. So bad that just last month, struggling artists had to build their next performance space out on the Hudson River. Rent is so high we can’t even afford the affordable stuff, and the media are trying to turn us soft about it. But we’re not going to let them, no sir. We’re still bringing you the first word on affordable living situations, no matter how outlandish they may be. And speaking of “out land”-ish, here’s a living situation aboard a sailboat — which might be the only affordable housing left in Brooklyn. Listed on Craigslist by a European artist (of course), the sailboat is “a wonderful living opportunity” for anyone looking to save on rent this summer. Why so wonderful? Because the renter, Hannes Bend, is willing to have you live there for free. “I ask… Read More